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2020 has been an interesting and some might say, unprecedented year.  Like many of you, AOR has had to be nimble and adjust to these uncertain times. Though our in-person events were cancelled in the first half of the year, we look forward to gathering in person at our Sustainable Oregon 2020 Conference which we have rescheduled for October 5th and 6th at the Double Tree Hotel in Portland.

Traditionally, the Conference has served as the time and place of our annual members meeting, and where we host our Board elections. After reviewing several options, the Board has made the decision to hold our annual meeting virtually prior to the conference as they believe it is the best option to meet the spirit and intent of our bylaws and to remain transparent with our members.

Everyone is invited to attend, though registration is required. We will hear from all board candidates, and take nominations from the floor. At the conclusion of the meeting, a link will be made available for voting members to cast their vote. Results from the election will be announced the following day.

During the meeting, the Board will provide updates since our last conference.

Click HERE to register for annual meeting.


  • The Association of Oregon Recyclers’ (AOR) annual meeting & election of officers will be held virtually via zoom meeting on Thursday, June 18th  2020 at 11am.
  • All members wishing to partake in the virtual annual meeting must register no later than Thursday, June 18th at 9:00am
  • All confirmed members will receive a unique link to join the meeting at 11:00am.
  • All members will receive link to ballots at 9am June 18th and voting will take place immediately following the annual members meeting until 5pm on June 18th 2020.
    • Organization members are entitled to (2) votes.
    • Individual & senior members are entitled to one (1) vote.
    • Student members are not eligible to vote.
  • Voting members’ dues must be current for their ballots to be valid in this election of officers.
    • You may check the status of your membership by visiting AOR’s membership page
    • If your organization or name is not listed here, your dues may be owed. Please contact Amy Roth, Resource Director for further inquiry.
  • The slate of candidates running for the Board can be found here.
  • Anyone wishing to run for the AOR Board may do so by completing this form.
  • Nominations from the virtual floor will also be accepted

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Roth



Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

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