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$4.5M Phoenix Upgrade Will Get More Recyclables Out of the Landfill

Phoenix has plans to upgrade equipment at one of its recycling facilities to adapt to market changes, and hopefully get more recyclables back out of the landfill. “Most of the United States and Europe over the last 30 years have developed a recycling system based on the fact that China has been the country that has bought most of these recyclables,” said Joe Giudice, assistant Public Works director for Phoenix. “The market shifted when they changed policy, so we are all in a position where we are responding to the new market signals.”

After securing funding from investments and loans through the city and other partners, Phoenix is set to spend $4.5 million to upgrade the North Gateway Transfer Station. Giudice said the objective is to ensure the facility can meet the tougher recycling market requirements.

Read more at Waste Advantage.

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