Recycling Markets

APR Recycling Demand Champion Campaign generates nearly 7 million pounds of new demand

25 Oct 2018

From Recycling Today, edited by DeAnne Toto.

The APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign, created in 2017 by the Association of Plastic Recyclers(APR), Washington, to develop new markets for recycled plastics, has generated almost 7 million pounds of new demand in its first year.

Changing Recycling Rules Reveals What is Truly Recyclable.

15 Oct 2018

From the Salem Weekly

Marion County residents filled their mixed recycling carts with the expectation that everything inside was put to good use as new products.

But China’s demand last winter that our recyclables not be contaminated with trash revealed the truth: our mixed recycling carts are not a recycler’s gold mine. To find the items that can actually be recycled, you have to sort through a lot of garbage.

Holding the Course: Domestic Reactions to Recycling Markets Spur Hope, Not Despair

8 Oct 2018

By LIz Bedard, from The Recycling Partnership Blog

As an employee of both The Recycling Partnership and the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), I have the unique privilege of viewing the recycling industry from all sides.

Suppliers, manufacturers, MRFs, haulers, residents, communities, corporations: you name the audience, I’ve talked to them about recycling.
