New Resources and Updates from the EPA
EPA Releases 2016 and 2017 Facts and Figures Data on Paper and Paperboard
EPA publishes data annually to its website on material generation, recycling, composting, combustion with energy recovery and landfilling in the United States for a variety of materials and products.
FREE Webinar: Why You Should Join the MMP
1pm EST | Feb 12th, 2019
The Municipal Measurement Program (MMP) launched in January 2019 with the goal of harmonizing the measurement of material management programs and providing municipalities with decision-making tools that can improve recycling program performance.
Re-Trac Announces official launch of the Municipal Measurement Program (MMP)
The goal of the MMP is to harmonize the measurement of material management programs and to provide municipalities with decision-making tools that can improve recycling program performance.
The MMP is designed and delivered by The Recycling Partnership and Re-TRAC Connect to provide municipalities with a robust and accessible materials management program analysis and planning tool.
It was also designed, with industry assistance, to standardize terminology and harmonize methodologies in support of consistent measurement across the U.S. and Canada.
Community Support for Recycling Pays Off
By Jason Seacat from the Scientific American Blog
UL Certification Measures Circular Economy Efforts
From Recycling Today, by Kelly Maile
Economic Footprint of Garbage and Recycling System
In 2018, Metro commissioned its first-ever economic impact analysis of the greater Portland area's garbage and recycling system.
This report, developed by the Northwest Economic Research Center at Portland State University, describes the numbers and types of jobs supported by garbage and recycling operations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties, including wages and spending patterns.