Why do we still use the word ‘minority’?
Although this article from ASCB (an international forum for cell biology) focuses on the use of the word "minorities" in the biomedical fields, the message applies across all industries. Why do we still use the word "minority" when according to the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the United States “will have no racial or ethnic majority group” ?
AOR Call for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Proposals & Sponsorships
Call for DEI Proposals
AOR's Board of Directors has identified diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as a priority work area for 2022 and beyond. The AOR Board recently voted to focus short-term efforts on re-launching a DEI Committee and empowering that group to identify possible next steps for the organization, such as a near-term work plan.
EPA leader connects recycling and environmental justice
The U.S. EPA’s top environmental justice official has a message for recycling operators: Don’t wait for a conflict to arise to start engaging with the community that surrounds you.
Matthew Tejada, who since 2013 has been director of the U.S. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice, addressed the recycling sector on April 29 during the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries’ ISRI2021 online conference.
‘There is no diversity’: The racial inequities in recycling leadership
Though recycling businesses often have large numbers of people of color at lower levels of the workforce, racial disparities are wide at the upper ranks.
Read full story at Resource Recycling
A look at President-elect Biden’s approach to environmental justice
Correcting environmental inequities is listed as a top priority for President-elect Joe Biden. Among other measures, he has called for the establishment of EJ offices at the Department of Justice and the White House and for overhauling the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) External Civil Rights Compliance Office.