
New York City Council Bills Would Bring Back Composting Drop-Off Sites

19 May 2020

Two City Councilmembers are pushing legislation that would create composting and electronics waste drop-off sites to compensate for recycling reductions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Community Organics and Recycling Empowerment (CORE) Act, the city would place three drop-off sites for organics and community recycling centers for hazardous or e-waste in each community district by June 2021. The 177 centers would be open 20 hours a week, at minimum.

Organics recycler talks hardships during COVID-19 pandemic

16 Apr 2020

Organics recyclers are facing tense times as measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 begin to impact community composting efforts. With many of these small-scale companies depending on universities and restaurants for a majority of their collection volumes, mass closings across the U.S. have left collection services in a tight spot.

Read more at Waste Today

Curbside Composting Expansion Coming to Deschutes County?

19 Apr 2019

Right now, curbside composting of residential food waste is available in the cities of Bend, Redmond and Sisters—but not the wider county. But in the (somewhat) near future, those living in the wider county could see curbside composting come to them. The Deschutes County Solid Waste Advisory Committee has been working on a Solid Waste Management Plan for the past year and is expected to present a final draft of the plan to the Deschutes County Board of Commissioners in May.

Facilities stop accepting compostable packaging as contamination debate persists

8 Mar 2019

After a decade of trying, one of Oregon's leading compost facilities is calling it quits on compostable packaging — and until more clarity comes to the market, it might not be the last.

Jack Hoeck, vice president of Rexius, shared the news at this year's U.S. Composting Council Conference in Phoenix. Initially, he said, Rexius had expected compostable packaging would help capture more food scraps, and that any resulting contamination could be managed effectively. 

Webinar: Food Waste Recycling Math: Calculating Anticipated Tonnages & Processing Capacity

3 Jan 2019

States and local agencies have enacted or are considering food waste disposal bans or mandates. Two key questions that need to be answered prior to taking this step are:

How much food waste are we talking about?
Is there adequate processing capacity at our state’s or region’s composting and anaerobic digestion facilities?

Having this data helps calculate a realistic assessment of how a ban or mandate can be adopted and implemented successfully.

Set up for success

19 Dec 2018

Getting people to recycle is a challenge. Getting them to recycle as much as they can and to do it correctly can feel impossible. After all, different materials and housing environments present enormous barriers when encouraging recycling. 

That notion is particularly clear when trying to recover food scraps from multi-family buildings. Is success in that realm even possible? The answer is yes – but an understanding of the human factor in changing deep-seated attitudes and behaviors is a requisite for success.

Already a Climate Change Leader, California Takes on Food Waste

17 Dec 2018

In a mass of discarded food, Los Angeles County sanitation planners see far more than a waste-disposal problem—they see a resource. A bucket loader digs into the mass and hoists a load of glop into a grinder. Seconds later, the chewed-up food waste pours into a bin, its first step toward the anaerobic digesters that will blend it with household sewage and use it to brew biogas, manufactured methane suitable for use in running a county wastewater plant.

City of Seattle RFP for Organics Processing Services

7 Dec 2018

The City of Seattle has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for future Organics Processing Services to process yard debris, food scraps, food-soiled paper, compostable food packaging, and compostable bags received through the City’s transfer stations and through the City’s solid waste collection contracts. The selected vendor(s) will begin organics processing services starting in 2020 or 2022.
