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Resources for Educators


Oregon DEQ
This webpage was put together by DEQ to consolidate all the resources available to the public for educational purposes, whether it be students, government officials, industry, or private citizens. The information is broken out into categories of specific interests, but not limited to those areas.

Grades of Green 
Grades of Green is a nonprofit organization that provides waste reduction resources to schools.

Classroom Earth 
Classroom Earth is an online resource designed to help high school teachers include environmental content in their daily lesson plans.

Think Green
Waste Management and Discovery Education have partnered to engage students in learning about the environment. Teachers will find standards-based lesson plans, tools, and hands-on activities to enliven classroom learning and at-home extensions. Students will find video clips and step-by-step interactive activities to expand their knowledge of the planet we share.

Environmental Protection Agency and Planet Protectors Club for Kids
These sites from the EPA provide materials for teachers, kids, students, and researchers to develop an increased knowledge of solid waste issues. These resources are intended to increase environmental awareness and inspire participation in environmental activities.

King County
Washington's King County website provides activity guides with concise classroom lessons on reuse, waste reduction, and recycling.

Keep America Beautiful
Keep America Beautiful offers a Recycle Bowl competition for schools. Their website also includes some fun activities.

National Recycling Week
National Recycling Week's website contains fun activities as a great way for kids to learn how to Recycle Right and about the environmental benefits that follow.

Oregon Metro's website links to many different educational resources.

Save Organic Scraps 
Washington's Clark County Organics website contains videos and educational resources on the topic of composting.

Clearing Magazine 
This is a local online journal of community-based environmental education.

Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12.


Natural Resources Defense Council 
The Natural Resources Defense Council offers an interactive website to help young students make positive environmental changes in their schools.

Recycle City
The interactive game from the EPA's website "Recycle City" lets kids see how the people of a fictitious town reduce waste, use less energy, and even save money by doing simple things at home, at work, and in their neighborhoods.


Oregon Green Schools
Oregon Green Schools is a statewide organization that serves to recognize schools for their efforts in waste reduction and resource conservation.

Eco Schools USA 
National Wildlife Federation’s Eco Schools USA is an international recognition program that offers great resources for teachers and students. A partner of Oregon Green Schools, it includes seven different steps of involvement in eight environmental areas of focus (e.g. Energy, Consumption and Waste, Water, Climate Change, Global Dimensions, Transportation, School Grounds, and Green Hour.

Green Ribbon Schools 
Green Ribbon Schools is a nationwide environmental education recognition program. The website offers resources and activity ideas in four categories: Eco Campus, Nature Adventure, Health and Fitness, and Natural Classrooms.

Sustainable Oregon Schools Initiative 
Sustainable Oregon Schools Initiative, SOSI (pronounced “so see”), provides a focal point for social, environmental, and economic sustainability efforts within all levels of Oregon’s K-12 school system. Its mission is to facilitate the integration of economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable concepts and practices into all educational and operational activities of our K-12 school system.

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