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Certification Programs for Schools

Sustainability organizations and recognition programs:

Schools are ripe environments for resource conservation programs and environmental education. There are several statewide, national and international recognition programs that provide guidelines and inspiration to schools as they begin and maintain their programs.

Oregon Green Schools
A statewide organization that serves to recognize schools for their efforts in waste reduction and resource conservation. Oregon Green School is dedicated to energizing and engaging students through student-driven activities that advance their understanding and ownership of sustainability. Schools apply for certification at the Entry, Merit, or Premier levels. The program provides a framework for starting and maintaining a resource conservation in schools. A highlight of the Oregon School Schools program is the annual Summit, where students and green team leaders come together from around the state to learn from each other and spark inspiration for future school activities.

National Wildlife Federation's Eco Schools USA 
An international recognition program that provides a framework to help educators integrate sustainable principles throughout their school grounds, facilities, curriculum, and student experience. A co-certification partner of Oregon Green Schools, Eco Schools USA includes seven different steps of involvement in 12 “environmental” pathways of focus: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Consumption & Waste, Energy, Healthy Living, Healthy Schools, Schoolyard Habitats, Sustainable Food, Transportation, Water, Learning About Forests (LEAF), and Watersheds, Oceans, & Wetlands (WOW). 

Green Ribbon Schools 
A national award program that recognizes schools and individuals who accomplish great things in the areas of sustainability and health.

Sustainable Oregon Schools Initiative
SOSI (pronounced “so see”), provides a focal point for social, environmental and economic sustainability efforts within all levels of Oregon’s K-12 school system. Mission: To facilitate the integration of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable concepts and practices into all educational and operational activities of our K-12 school system.

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