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Recycling Advocates Annual Meeting

Recycling Advocates Annual Meeting 2017

Sierra Club, 1821 SE Ankeny
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
7:00 PM, Doors Open at 6:30 PM

There's still time to RSVP for Recycling Advocates' Annual Meeting next Thursday! Join us at the Sierra Club offices in SE Portland on September 14th. All members and friends are welcome. 
We’ll have SNACKS from New Seasons, BEER from Double Mountain, and WINE from Drink Think. 

Throughout the evening we'll be giving away DOOR PRIZES from local coffee shops, including Caffe D’Arte, Papaccino’s and Nectar Cafe. 

6:30 Doors open for check-in and networking.
7:00 Election and meeting

*  How to become a good Oregonian – take the online Recycling 101 class! Pete Chism-Winfield and Amy Roth will fill us in on the class and the major updates it has received through a DEQ grant. 

*  Hear about the latest successes with Recycling Advocates’ BYOC Campaign. Bring Your Own Cup has expanded to many coffee shops throughout the city. Pick up campaign buttons and stickers and help spread the word!

*  Recycling Advocates will elect board members for the 2017 – 2019 term. All members are eligible voters. 
RSVP to, or call 503-777-0909. 

Our thanks to meeting sponsors Double Mountain Brewery, Drink Think and New Seasons.

Sierra Club

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections