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Metro Solid Waste Forecast Presentation

As you may recall, Metro released its solid waste forecast in October 2016.  The forecast is used for many purposes, such as tonnage allocations, budgeting, planning and policy direction.  As an opportunity to learn more about the forecast, Metro staff will present and discuss the methodology, terms and concepts used to develop the most recent forecast.  This will be an opportunity for local governments, industry and the public to learn more about the process, the results and how Metro uses the forecast to make decisions.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

This is a web-only presentation. Participants will need a computer and internet connection in their own space, and will be able to ask questions online.

To access the Solid Waste Forecast WebEx presentation, please use the following access credentials.

  •   To view the visual portion of the meeting, go to Note:  You may need to install a simple .exe file to run WebEx. Please verify that you have the appropriate software before the meeting. Click here to view the WebEx Meetings FAQ.
    • Click “join” at the top menu bar. A new box will open.

b.   Enter the meeting number:  803 216 725, along with your name and email address, then click “join” to enter the meeting.


  1.    We recommend that you access the audio portion of the meeting by phone.

a.   To access the audio portion of the meeting, dial 1-408-792-6300.

b.   Enter the access code when prompted:  803 216 725.

If you have questions, please contact Molly Vogt at


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor