
WEBINAR: Driving Recycling Markets - Introduction to the Government Recycling Demand Champion Program

Taking action to support the recycling industry is essential - especially these days.  A new national program, the NERC-APR Government Recycling Demand Champion Program, provides a simple strategy for closing the loop by buying products with post-consumer plastic recycled content. Presenters will be: Ali Briggs-Ungerer, Association of Plastic Recyclers and Lynn Rubinstein, Program Manager of the Government Recycling Demand Champion

WEBINAR: National Zero Waste Virtual Conference

The National Recycling Coalition is organizing the all-virtual National Zero Waste Conference on December 1-3, 2020. This conference will be a great 3-day educational and networking event. Day 1 focuses on Zero Waste Businesses, day 2 focuses on Zero Waste Communities, and day 3 is the National Recycling Congress. You won't want to miss the latest Zero Waste information and this networking event.    

WEBINAR: Implementing Zero Waste on Campuses and in Businesses

Adopting a formal Zero Waste goal and action plan is a watershed moment for a large organization’s waste reduction program. They mark the point where a university, corporate, or other type of large institution sets a course moving beyond a simple waste management program toward a sustainable materials management system rooted in the circular economy. Of course, goals and a plan are just the starting point. The next challenge is to implement them.

WEBINAR: Voluntary Initiatives Driving the Use of Minimum Recycled Content in Products & Packaging

Increasingly, brands are making commitments to increased use of recycled content in products and packaging. This free NERC/NEWMOA webinar will explore those commitments, available recycled plastic to meet those goals, and strategies for success. Speakers will be: Steve Alexander, President, Association of Plastics Recyclers; Sarah Dearman, VP of Circular Ventures, the Recycling Partnership; and Pete DePasquale, Vice President, Government & Regulatory, Nestle Waters North America.

AOR WEBINAR: The Future of Waste – Where Do We Go From Here?

What if recycling isn’t enough? In the industry, we strive for more recycling but we also know that more must be done. What changes do we need to make as an industry to meet carbon emission goals and sustainable materials management? Join us to hear from professionals on sustainable consumption and clean materials that provide a plan on where we go from here.

This webinar is part of AOR's virtual conference, Sustainable Oregon 2020. You can purchase individual webinars, a three-pack bundle, or save even more by registering for the entire series!

AOR WEBINAR: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Research!

Behavior change is recycling’s holy grail. Learn how programs in Washington and Oregon are turning great research into real behavior change.

Presenters from Oregon DEQ, Washington Department of Ecology, and Metro will share research insights and discuss the messages and strategies they have developed to support behavior change and reach new audiences with an emphasis on reaching communities of color.

AOR WEBINAR: Modernizing Oregon’s Recycling System – Report from DEQ and the Recycling Steering Committee

The Recycling Steering Committee (RSC) is perhaps the most important thing happening in Oregon recycling policy today. It’s also been a long road with many twists and turns. Tune in to this session to get the latest on what’s going on with the RSC from the sources you trust at DEQ.

AOR WEBINAR: Microplastics – The (Nearly) Invisible Threat to Our Coast

Ocean plastics, and their threat to our environment and our economy, include a lot more than straws. Many of us in the industry are aware of the threat of microplastics but this grave problem is still unknown to the general public. Increased awareness and understanding of microplastics is important so that coastal communities can address this problem and organize clean-up activities efficiently to protect the public good.

AOR WEBINAR: Food for Thought: Steel Cows, Green Schools, and Food Waste Prevention

There are amazing schools out there paving the way in waste reduction and positive sustainability behavior change. This session will focus on the success of local Green Schools implementing milk dispensers, also known as “steel cows,” focusing on green school cafeteria certification and incorporating food waste prevention curriculum. In addition, DEQ will present their data and research findings on their statewide food waste prevention campaign. DEQ will enlighten us on best practices and how to motivate food waste prevention behaviors.

AOR WEBINAR: Waste Picking and the Ethics of Access to Waste​

Waste pickers were the original recyclers and waste collectors. Over time, their role in waste management and recycling has been marginalized and stigmatized, but they continue to play a critical role in the system. Learn how three organizations are elevating the voices of waste pickers and their important impacts on sustainability efforts.

This webinar is part of AOR's virtual conference, Sustainable Oregon 2020. You can purchase individual webinars, a three-pack bundle, or save even more by registering for the entire series!
