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Welcome New AOR Member Mia Hocking

What is your name? Mia Hocking

Where do you work and what do you do? Hillsboro School District Hillsboro, OR; Resource Conservation Manager

Tell us how you enbrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? Reduce! Reduce! Reduce!
At home, I am very conscious of waste in any form. We separate waste materials and Hillsboro has just passed residential food waste service so we will be glad to have that service! We shop at secondhand stores for clothing and find good homes for any unwanted items that we may have. I live close to work and local shopping, so I walk as much as I can (and I am working on increasing walking opportunities). I am 1 year into the RCM position and looking forward to engaging staff and students at the school-level to promote materials management and energy conservation.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? Clean and healthy everything! Reduced stress and honest living with a delicate footprint. Giving more than impacting.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? An elephant. Elephants are revered for the gentle nature. They are intelligent and express empathy towards others.

How did you learn about AOR? From a colleague.

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