Welcome New AOR Member, GreenWay Recycling

22 May 2024

What is the name of your business or organization? 

GreenWay Recycling

What does your business/organization do?

We operate a successful mixed construction and demolition sorting and processing facility in Northwest Portland. We are celebrating our 20th anniversary with a recent $7 million rebuild of our facility.

Our largest commodity is wood—we produce the cleanest hog fuel available for local paper mills. We process concrete, brick, rock and glass for fill and road base. We recycle metals like copper and aluminum. In addition, we send Alternate Daily Cover to regional landfills, along with manufacturer scrap roofing for roadway and landing base.

Tell us about your business/organization's recycling/sustainability practices.

We have the highest recycling rates in the region, often 60% or better, more than twice other regional facilities. We’re the only site in Oregon that’s certified by the Recycling Certification Institute, helping projects obtain LEED ratings.

With GreenWay’s DIY philosophy, we cut costs by repurposing machinery in our recent upgrade along with some of the most innovative equipment in the industry.

It’s estimated that our improvement project will save enough greenhouse gas to equal driving a car from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine 960-1,200 round trips annually.

How would you describe your work culture?

It’s the family way at GreenWay. Everyone has a good working relationship and appreciates our on-the-job training opportunities. During COVID’s tough economy, we used PPP funds to turn workers into journeymen millwrights and craftsmen. The crew felt invested in the rebuilding process, installing much of the new equipment and other components.

We are committed to diversity as one of only two minority-owned solid waste businesses in the Portland region. Over half of the employees are Hispanic but anyone with a strong work ethic is welcome.

What motivates your employees to meet your recycling/sustainability goals?

Our workers feel empowered because they’re making a difference for the community, the environment and the region’s recovery rates. The workers are proud knowing they had a hand in rebuilding the facility, making it the best in the area and will continue to help with improvements for the future.

If your business or organization was an animal, which one would it be and why?

A colony of ants. Not only are ants innovative but also excellent builders, good at moving parts and pieces to save time and energy much like we do at GreenWay. These industrious creatures even excavate tunnels to clear away garbage and optimize the traffic flow just like we do.

How did you learn about AOR?

We’ve known about the Association for many years and recently made time to join.