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Welcome New AOR Member Daniel Redick!

What is your name? 
Daniel Redick

Where do you work and what do you do?
I'm the Regional Manager of Zero Waste Programs at EcoSafe Zero Waste. We develop waste diversion programs for almost every vertical market. We also manufacture compostable liners, dispensers, and other products to support waste our diversion programs.

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace?
EcoSafe Zero Waste has fully embraced sustainability through our dedication to "making a meaningful difference". Through our products and programs, we support recycling organics and other recyclable materials.

I also focus on having a low-waste household. We've practiced source reduction by limiting processed foods, and investing in long-lasting products. We also re-use and repair household items as needed. We feed most food scraps to our worms, and participate in the residential compost pick-up program for the rest.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably?
We all have a responsibility to not only use our world's resources wisely, but to also help improve the planet in any way we can. Waste is more than a wasted resource; it is a wasted opportunity. Waste not only has the potential to be used more effectively, but could also help improve our our earth - as we see with the effects of compost on our soils.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
Pronghorn, because they run fast, act gracefully, and have a mixed diet of unique plants.

How did you learn about AOR?
Through experience in the recycling industry.


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