Welcome New AOR Member - Chris Cary

5 Jun 2024

What is your name? Chris Cary

Where do you work and what do you do? I work for Food Northwest, trade association of food manufacturers in the Pacific Northwest. I am Policy Director working on Sustainability, Recycling, Environmental and Food Safety issues.

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? My job involves encouraging member companies to develop sound sustainability policies and programs to enable them to enhance their business proposition through responsible environmental management, minimizing impacts, and fostering positive relationships with the communities where they operate.

The food industry uses many single use packaging items now regulated under Oregon's RMA. My job is to educate member companies and assist them in preparing for new rules and reduce packaging impacts on the recycling and waste communities.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? An understanding of the unsustainable nature of landfills, and better future for my children and grandchildren.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? Bear, Large, with a surly at times personality, but actually a teddy bear.

How did you learn about AOR? On line search for annual event