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Updated BottleDrop Redemption Center to Reopen March 14, 2016

Shared from Press Release Provided by OBRC

Portland, OR – Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative continues to make it easier than ever to redeem bottles and cans with a remodel to the popular Glisan BottleDrop Redemption Center.  The new and improved BottleDrop Center will reopen March 14, 2016 at 12403 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97230.

Updates include:
• Six additional Self-Serve return machines
• Wider entry doors
• More floor space in the customer service area
In addition, five new grocery retailers are partnering with the Glisan BottleDrop Center - giving residents greater access to BottleDrop store kiosks and the BottleDrop PLUS retailer rewards program.

BottleDrop Centers allow consumers to utilize the Oregon Bottle Bill quickly and efficiently in a spacious, fully staffed, indoor facility - open seven days a week from 8am to 6pm. Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC) operates the Glisan Redemption Center in partnership with 12 participating area grocery retailers.

The 8,500 sq. ft. Glisan facility employs 6-7 people and offers three convenient ways to redeem Oregon deposit containers:

·        BottleDrop Account- Pre-labeled bags filled with deposit containers may be dropped off 24 hours a day.  Staff count and sort the containers then credit funds to the account. The cash value can be accessed at participating grocery store kiosks or any BottleDrop location or funds may be transferred to a participating charity account.

·        Self-Serve – Superfast automated machines will accept up to 350 containers per day. Glass, aluminum and plastic all in one, no sorting.

·        Hand Count - Staff will count up to 50 containers a day per person.

“NE Glisan has been one of our most popular BottleDrop centers from the beginning,” says John Andersen, President of OBRC. “We want to bring the best service possible to NE Portland residents, and we believe this remodel will encourage even more Oregonians to participate in Oregon’s iconic Bottle Bill.”

Participating grocery stores within 2 miles of the new redemption center will no longer be required to accept deposit containers. Participating stores within a 3.5-mile radius will accept a maximum of 24 containers per person, per day.

Retailer Participation 

    No Longer Accepting Containers:

·        Bi-Mart at 12321 NE Halsey

·        Fred Meyer at 1111 NE 102nd

·        Safeway at 221 NE 122nd

·        WinCo Foods at 1222 NE 102nd

·        WinCo Foods at 1950 NE 122nd

·        Big Lots at 10548 SE Washington

·        Rite Aid at 11930 SE Division*

·        Grocery Outlet at 12102 SE Division*

·        Fred Meyer at 14700 SE Division*

Accepting 24 Containers Per Day:

·        Safeway at 3527 SE 122nd

·        Costco at 4849 NE 138th*

   *New participating retailers

A statewide rollout of BottleDrop Redemption Centers was approved by the Oregon State Legislature during the 2013 session based upon success of three pilot redemption centers located in Wood Village, Oregon City and south Salem. Contingent upon approval from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, OBRC plans to open four BottleDrop facilities per year over the next 7 years.

OBRC is a member-owned, cooperative corporation that acts on behalf of beverage distributors to administer Oregon’s Bottle Bill; collecting and processing nearly all containers sold and redeemed in Oregon. OBRC counts, sorts, crushes, bales, and recycles 1.2 billion containers each year. The entire process is funded and managed by the beverage and grocery industries – at no cost to taxpayers.

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