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Take a Tour: Lloyd Eco District By Foot

The AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Pre-Conference Tours are Wednesday, June 8th from 8:30am - 12:00pm

Click here to register for the conference and tours!

Join our walk to see for yourself why Lloyd EcoDistrict is aiming to be the most vibrant, sustainable and livable urban neighborhood in the nation.

This collaborative community sustainability effort has already lead to a 10% decrease in district energy use in only two years, as well as a host of transportation improvements, and many upcoming waste projects.

Learn about the district's pioneering programs such as Street Smart, a building renewal and efficiency pilot, see Oregon Convention Center's huge solar display, and tour innovative features such as NORM, the neighborhood's friendly organic matter recycling machine. 


Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor