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Recycler of Year Winner for Education/Promotion Program: Scenic Heights Apartments Green Team

2015 Education Program of the Year Winner - Scenic Heights Apartment Complex

The Recycler of the Year Award for Educational/Promotional is awarded to an educational or promotional effort or program, which has used media and materials in a new or creative way to promote and encourage that “same old recycling stuff.” This year's award was presented to the Scenic Heights Apartment Complex at the 2015 AOR Sustainable Oregon Conference on June 5 in Bend, Oregon. 

In August 2014, the Housing Authority of Jackson County’s Scenic Heights Apartment Complex in Central Point, Oregon embarked on an innovative onsite recycling pilot project. Scenic Heights provides affordable housing to low-income workforce families and disabled populations. They wanted to engage residents in their diversion efforts, educate residents on the sorting guidelines and the important of recycling, and they wanted to build a self-sustaining program that would be run by residents (Green Team members). The Green Team members oversee collection and auditing of material streams and educate their fellow residents on the value of recycling. They see themselves as ambassadors and educators to their fellow residents and their entire community. They have offered to assist and train the Green Teams for the 2 new facilities that are joining the program.

Since starting the program, Scenic Heights has diverted approximately 7,200 lbs of cardboard and 3,600 pounds of commingled recycling. They divert approximately 3-yards per week, which represents a savings of $176.05 per month on their garbage bill. Recycling at multi-family properties can be a challenge. Scenic Heights has done a great job of showing us how a successful program can work!

Check out this video to see local news coverage of this pilot project!


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