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Meet 2023 AOR Board Candidate - Laura Leebrick

Laura Leebrick - incumbent

Since 2014, Laura Leebrick has served as the Community & Governmental Affairs Manager for Rogue Waste, Inc., based in Medford, Oregon. She has 24 years of experience in the private sector solid waste and recycling realm, in roles ranging from recycling education and outreach, collection and transfer station operations management, solid waste industry advocacy, and public affairs. 

Through her work, Laura has had the opportunity to be engaged in solid waste, recycling, alternative energy, and transportation related policy development at the state and local levels and has participated in various policy and rulemaking workgroups. Laura has been an AOR member since very late last century, and has been deeply involved in the work to develop Oregon’s recently adopted Recycling Modernization Act (RMA) since it first began in 2019. 

Her involvement has continued through the present time, having served as a member of the DEQ Materials List Technical Work Group, and she also serves as one of the recycling industry representatives on the newly established Oregon Recycling Council.  

Laura is an avid hiker and kayaker, eager traveler to places near and far, and is a ridiculously proud mom to her dog, Ollie and two cats, Henry and Mingyur Rinpoche. 

How long and in what capacity(s) have you been involved with AOR (committees, conferences, tours ,etc.)?

I've been an AOR member since 1999, and in that time I have served on the legislative committee, the membership committee, events planning, and conference planning. Prior to first joining the Board, I also served as the Regional Liaison from southern Oregon. I currently serve as Treasurer on the Board.

Why would you like to serve on the AOR Board of Directors?

I have served on the board through a couple of significantly disruptive periods for the organization - first National Sword and it's aftermath, then the pandemic, and have been proud to be a part of AOR's journey of resiliency. I would love to serve another term as we complete the cycle that began with the work of the RSC, which AOR was a very engaged part of, through the implementation of the RMA in July of 2025.

What skills, expertise, and experience do you possess that would be make you a valuable addition?

As much as I'd like to say it's my years of experience in the industry in Oregon, I'd be more inclined to say I think it's my desire to bring value to our membership through organizing events and opportunities for learning, engagement, networking and more learning... I have always felt most energized when working with other AOR members, and folks outside our industry, too, to create pathways for learning new things, connecting with new ideas and people. I would be honored to be considered for a Board position.


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