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Meet 2023 AOR Board Candidate - Jeff Murray

Jeff Murray - incumbent

How long and in what capacity(s) have you been involved with AOR (committees, conferences, tours ,etc.)?

I have been a member of AOR since the late 1980s. I have served on the AOR Board as Markets Chair a number of times. I have served on several AOR committees throughout the years (Legislative, Conference Planning among many others). I believe I have only missed 1 annual conference since joining AOR. I have attended nearly all Conference parties hosted by Lee Barrett, Rick Winterhaulter, and friends. I have helped organize and attended several AOR tours. I currently serve on the AOR Board. I am involved in the AOR Events Committee and the AOR Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee and I look forward to continuing this work.

Why would you like to serve on the AOR Board of Directors?

First, I would like to share the experience and expertise I have achieved in my several years in the Materials Management industry when they are beneficial to the AOR Board and the association as a whole. I would also like to learn more from others, including those serving on the board, to achieve a strong understanding of how our industry can continue to improve in the area of EDI. I would like to share what I learn with others in our industry.

What skills, expertise, and experience do you possess that would be make you a valuable addition?

I have been involved in the Materials Management industry since 1977. The first 15 years of my career were primarily related to the collection of garbage and recycling. I was also involved in initiating residential and commercial recycling collection programs. I moved from collection to processing recyclables in 1993. Throughout my career, I attended and eventually served on many Solid Waste Advisory Committees. I also worked with others in the industry, advocates, and government regulators on various committees involving Materials Management. I believe an important skill I possess is the ability to represent my industry and work together with others with different views to help develop successful programs. Programs that serve the stated purpose and take into account the needs of all involved and affected.


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