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Join AOR in Portland for Sustainable Oregon 2016

AOR's annual conference and trade show is the premiere event that brings professionals from all sectors of the recycling industry together to talk about waste reduction, recycling, and materials management. Whether you want to learn about the latest advancements in the field, network with colleagues, or promote your products and services, Sustainable Oregon 2016 is the place to be.


Sessions, workshops, and tours provide attendees with a diverse variety of learning opportunities in one great location. Full agenda is available on the AOR website. Registration is $425 for members; $475 for nonmembers. Rates for single-day attendance are also available.


The exhibit hall is always the hub of conference networking activity: it's the perfect place to showcase your products and services to a diverse audience. Space is limited - sign up for a booth now! Commercial booths are $650; nonprofit and government booths are $550.


Conference sponsorship is a cost-effective way to promote your organization. It also demonstrates your commitment to AOR and the growth of the recycling industry and sustainable materials management in Oregon. A variety of sponsorship packages are available, starting at just $250.


Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor