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It's Time for Board Elections!


Have you ever considered running for the AOR Board? Several positions are up for election, which will be held during the Annual Members Meeting at Sustainable Oregon 2019 on Thursday, June 20, in Bend, Oregon. Specifically, Education Chair, Fundraising Chair, Legislative Chair, Markets Chair, and Treasurer are all up for election. 

Duties of All Board Members

  • Attend and participate in monthly board meetings.
  • Attend annual conference, forums, and other AOR sponsored events.
  • Attend annual Board Retreat.
  • Solicit donations and sponsorships from membership for annual conference and other fundraising activities.
  • Oversee or support AOR committee(s)
  • Identify potential new members and assist Membership Chair in recruitment.
  • Board terms are two years long.

Education Chair

Position-Specific Duties

  • Organize and chair a committee of association members concerning public education and educational materials relevant to the mission of the organization.
  • Plan “On the Road with AOR” events, and assist with special projects
  • Review and update Recycling 101 content every three years, and serve as the liaison between AOR and OSU staff in supporting R101.

Fundraising Chair

Position-Specific Duties

  • Develop fundraising strategy with Treasurer and Board
  • Raises funds to support the services provided to AOR members through events, sponsorships, and other fundraising channels
  • Solicit donations for event raffles and silent auction

Legislative Chair

Position-Specific Duties

  • Serve as liaison between AOR's lobbyist and the Board.
  • Keep the Board informed on a regular basis about potentially relevant legislation such that Board members can adequately engage with association members about the issues.
  • Organize and chair a committee of association members surrounding potentially relevant legislation.
  • Keep AOR membership abreast of relevant legislation.
  • Proactively identify issues that AOR may wish to see become legislation.

Markets Chair

Position-Specific Duties

  • Provide regular recycling market reports to the Board and general membership (newsletter, etc.).
  • Develop, coordinate, and implement spring and fall forums.
  • Chair committees regarding recycling markets.


Position-Specific Duties

  • Prepare the annual budget.
  • Present a monthly financial report to the Board.
  • Ensure the presence and proper function of internal controls for an organization of this size.
  • Prepare an annual report reviewing the business affairs of the organization.
  • Cooperate with the annual review of financial controls.
  • Review significant contracts (with resource directors, lobbyists, event planners, etc.) and provide guidance to the chair and other board members with regard to the financial implications of these contracts.
  • Take responsibility for compliance with IRS reporting.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to be a member of the Board, you must either be an individual member or a organizational member’s contact (i.e., listed in the member directory. If someone from a member organization chooses to run for office and is not currently a contact, the organization’s primary representative must notify Amy Roth, AOR’s Resource Director, to list them as a contact. This ensures the candidate for an office has the support of the group or corporation. Individual memberships are encouraged for all board members.

What are you waiting for?!

Email Amy Roth or call her at 503-233-3056 for more information on how to run for a board position. There's also more information on our elections web page. Nominations received by June 7th will be included in AOR's election information at the conference.

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