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AOR Seeks Nominations for Fundraising Chair

The AOR Board would like to thank Alex Bertolucci for his hard work and time dedicated to serving on the AOR Board. We wish him the best of luck in his newest endeavors!

With Alex's departure, the Association of Oregon Recyclers is seeking candidates for the recently vacated position of Fundraising Chair. 

Candidates interested in joining the Board must be members in good standing, who are willing to commit 8 - 12 hours per month (including meetings) to working on AOR activities. Being part of the AOR Board is a great way to help set the direction for the association's work and is rewarding, educational, and lots of fun!

A packet of information about serving on the AOR board is HERE.

Potential nominees are encouraged to ask questions or get additional information by contacting the AOR office

Nominates are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, November 15, 2019.

Click HERE to nominate now!


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