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AOR Legislative Update

March 19th was the deadline for bills to be submitted during Oregon’s 2021 Legislative Session.  Bills that are still “alive” will need to pass out of their committee of origin by the next deadline, which is April 13th. This email includes a status update.

The Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act is scheduled for a public hearing at the Senate Committee on E&E on 4/8 at 1 pm.

AOR’s Legislative Chair Rosalynn Greene was the last person to testify in support of SB 582-1 after 6 hours of public testimony over 3 committee meetings. This bill has been one of AOR’s top legislative priorities during the 2021 session. One other bill AOR has been tracking and working on is also part of the agenda, SB 581 “Truth in Labeling.”

There is also a work session scheduled for SB582-1 on April 13th at 1pm.  A work session allows the committee to debate the merits of a measure and adopt amendments and take an action (vote) on a measure. 

Right to Repair Work Session 

  • Right to Repair (HB 2698) is scheduled for a work session on 4/7 at 3:15

The vote at this work session will determine whether the bill lives or dies. If your representative serves on the House Committee on Business and Labor, please consider reaching out to them before Wed to let them know you are in their district and support HB 2698 

Bills that have already passed out of committee (alive bills): 

  • EPR for Mattresses (SB 570

  • EPR for HHW (HB 2955

  • Bottle Bill Task Force (SB 847

  • Resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Bottle Bill (HCR 24)

  • Environmental Justice Council (SB 286

  • Environmental Justice Principles (SCR 17

  • Allow straw in recycled content bags (HB 2395)

  • Labeling for “flushable” wipes (HB 2344

Bills with no public hearings or work sessions (dead bills): 

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