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AOR Legislative Committee Update - February 27, 2019


Legislators will discuss and consider a number of bills of interest to AOR's members. This update includes an overview of legislation that AOR's board will work to support or oppose in the coming weeks after considering recommendations from AOR's legislative committee. 

AOR Support:

Right to repair -- HB 2688 -- Support

HB 2688 requires digital equipment manufacturers to make service manuals and parts available to consumers and independent repair shops for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining and repairing the equipment. The bill covers products that require digital electronics to function such as cell phones. This bill advances waste prevention and sustainable materials management by providing consumers and repair businesses with the information and parts needed to maintain, repair and prolong the life of consumer products. 

Sustainable shopping initiative -- HB 2509 -- Support

HB 2509 prohibits the use of single-use shopping bags by retailers and requires a 10 cent fee for paper or reusable plastic bags. HB 2509 advances waste reduction and will reduce the impact of single-use plastic shopping bags on Oregon's recycling system. Plastic bags placed in home and business recycling bins get tangled in sorting equipment which creates hazards for workers and makes recycling more expensive when sorting lines have to be turned off to remove plastic bags. 

Plastic straw choice -- SB 90 and HB 2670 -- Support

The bills prohibits restaurants from providing single-use plastic straws to consumers unless the consumer requests a straw. The legislation advances waste prevention and reduces litter and marine debris. AOR’s board wants to ensure that all food service providers, such as convenience stores, are covered by the bill, and will track and follow amendments.

Household hazardous waste product stewardship -- HB 2772 -- Support

HB 2772 establishes a product stewardship program for household hazardous waste. When not managed properly, household hazardous wastes can pollute our water and air. HB 2772 will result in more convenient household hazardous waste collection programs that that will increase public safety and health and environmental quality for Oregonians. 

Drug take back -- HB 2065 -- Support

HB 2065 requires drug manufacturers to participate in drug take-back program for purpose of collecting drugs for disposal. Prescription drugs and other pharmaceuticals pose serious risks to people, communities and the environment when they are not properly managed. HB 2065 will ensure that there are safe, secure and convenient drug take back programs that increase public safety and health and environmental quality for Oregonians. 

Renewable natural gas – SB 98 and SB 636 – Support

The bills reduce barriers to the production of renewable natural gas (RNG) made from organic waste and will increase demand by allowing natural gas companies to buy and sell RNG to their customers. The bills help to support anaerobic digestion as an end market for food waste in Oregon.

AOR Opposes:

AOR's Board is opposed to three bills that would make state government less efficient: SB 556 which would require legislative approval of all state agency fees or fee increases; SB 557 which would prohibit permanent administrative rules from being in effect for longer than six years; and SJR 12 which requires Legislative approval of all administrative rules. 

About the AOR Legislative Committee

AOR’s legislative committee provides a forum for members to discuss materials management-related legislation and provide feedback and make recommendations to the AOR Board to support, protest or remain neutral on bills introduced to the Oregon Legislature. The group includes 11 members that represent the overall demographics of AOR’s members. Members are encouraged to provide any comments or questions related to legislation to the committee chair, Pam Peck, committee members or the board.​

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