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AOR to Host Cultural Competency Training

At this year’s Sustainable Oregon AOR conference many of you participated in a workshop that explored diversity in the solid waste and recycling industries. Given the strong interest in this topic AOR is hosting a cultural competency training led by Maketa Wilborn on October 23rd, from 9am - 4pm at the Oregon Metro Regional Center.

The training will help recycling professionals expand their skills in working with diverse audiences and building connections across difference. Participants will build greater awareness of personal and organizational cultures, issues and opportunities; examine how these cultures affect our ability to work across difference; and build skills to increase competencies as we work with others who are different from us.

Maketa Wilborn (pronounced "Ma-kay-ta") is a organizational development consultant, facilitator, artist and educator. For over 10 years he has been leading individuals and groups toward their objectives and their highest potential. He employs an inquiry-based approach that effectively draws out the collective knowledge of the group and inspires participation and creative problem-solving. 

Seating is limited to 50 attendees and you can register here for the event.


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Waste Connections

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