Welcome to AOR

AOR is a nonprofit 501(C)(6) trade association founded in 1977, committed to achieving a system of sustainable materials management by supporting high-quality recycling and composting, thoughtful consumption, and producer responsibility. AOR provides value to its members by hosting educational events, delivering publications to enhance our understanding and connections to diverse perspectives, and lobbying for legislation that supports sustainable materials management.

Our membership spans the gamut of the sustainable materials management industry. Nonprofits; waste haulers; recyclers; reuse organizations, state, federal, and local government; packaging producers, recycling equipment manufacturers, educational institutions and many others come together under the AOR umbrella to achieve these goals. 

Latest News From the AOR Blog


Oregon lawmakers will consider legislation this year designed to make that process easier by requiring manufacturers to make repair tools, parts and instructions readily available. on “fair and reasonable terms.” House...


The Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners recently released a report detailing ways forward for durable reusable packaging systems that reduce the need for single-use packaging. In the report, ...


Correcting environmental inequities is listed as a top priority for President-elect Joe Biden. Among other measures, he has called for the establishment of EJ offices at the Department of Justice and the White House...
