Welcome to AOR

AOR is a nonprofit 501(C)(6) trade association founded in 1977, committed to achieving a system of sustainable materials management by supporting high-quality recycling and composting, thoughtful consumption, and producer responsibility. AOR provides value to its members by hosting educational events, delivering publications to enhance our understanding and connections to diverse perspectives, and lobbying for legislation that supports sustainable materials management.

Our membership spans the gamut of the sustainable materials management industry. Nonprofits; waste haulers; recyclers; reuse organizations, state, federal, and local government; packaging producers, recycling equipment manufacturers, educational institutions and many others come together under the AOR umbrella to achieve these goals. 

Latest News From the AOR Blog


If food scraps from households are composted, should that count in the nation’s recycling rate? What if they’re fed to livestock or processed in anaerobic digesters?

Those are just a couple of the many questions...


Rural Action, started in the early 1990s by the Appalachian Public Interest Campaign as a member-based agency to focus on regional revitalization, may be the first self-conscious Zero Waste organization that initiated...


To help retailers clarify the recyclability of their packaging, Trex Co., Winchester, Virginia, has introduced a free package labeling initiative as part of its NexTrex Retail Recycling Program.

Trex says the...
