AOR Equity Statement

AOR Equity Statement - approved May 8, 2024

Equity Statement

The Association of Oregon Recyclers' (AOR) mission is to provide value to its members by hosting educational events, delivering publications to enhance our understanding and connections to diverse perspectives, and lobbying for legislation that supports sustainable materials management. AOR works to foster an organization where all people feel a sense of belonging and their perspectives are valued as part of the organization’s culture. AOR is committed to advancing equity, increasing diversity within the organization, and developing inclusive programming and policies for its members. We encourage feedback to help us achieve more equitable outcomes for the organization, AOR members, and the industry.

AOR Acknowledges

  • The systematic exclusion of frontline communities, especially communities of color and low-income communities, and that these communities have often been affected by social and environmental injustices related to the solid waste and recycling industries. 
  • The lack of diverse representation in industry leadership and workforce roles. That AOR’s equity journey is ongoing.
  • Our equity journey is ongoing and requires continual re-examination as we further develop EDI efforts 

AOR Equity Commitments

  • Welcomes all regardless of an individual's race, physical or mental ability, age, appearance, ethnicity, gender identity, immigration status, geographical location, national origin, spoken language, professional level, religious or political beliefs or other ideologies, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other legally protected statuses.
  • Commits to organizational policies, advocacy, resources, and programming that are inclusive and equitable.
  • Commits to working with our membership and participants to create an equitable and inclusive recycling industry that welcomes a diverse leadership and workforce.
  • Commits to supporting our membership through education on practices to confront inequities by listening, learning, and equitably acting in ways that promote the rights, health, and well-being of all. 
  • Commits to upholding the values expressed above in our review of and advocacy for policies/legislation related to sustainable materials management.

Interested in learning more? 

Questions or feedback about the AOR Equity Committee? Email Maya Buelow, AOR's Equity Committee Chair.