WEBINAR: Advancing Circular Economies in Plastics - Plastics are a Regenerating Hydrocarbon Reserve
Sustainable Materials Management Webinar Series
A Partnership of the
National Recycling Coalition & Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center
The dynamics of the current recycling industry are very complex. Recycling programs are typically very localized and fragmented, exposed to significant commodity value fluctuations, but most importantly, they are not designed to capture the majority of plastics. As a result, only the best high-quality plastic waste is recovered from the waste and recycling streams stranding more than 75% of the remaining waste plastic with no recycling option. This webinar will discuss how the fundamental vision of viewing plastics as an above ground hydrocarbon reserve drives the innovation and commercialization of circular pathways: be it plastic to plastic, plastic to base chemicals or plastic to low carbon fuels.
Christopher J. Faulkner, Ph.D., Vice President, Project Management & Technology, Agilyx