Northwest News

Agilyx Announces Opening of Tigard Polystyrene-to-Styrene Oil Plant

28 Feb 2018

agiylx logoAOR-member Agilyx will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of their Tigard, Oregon polystyrene-to-styrene oil plant on April 19, 2018 at 10am. The ribbon-cutting will launch a week of celebrations, including plant tours by invitation from April 24-26, 2018. The plant is the first commercial-scale closed-loop chemical recycling process for polystyrene in the world.

China's Policy Change Poses Challenges for Recycling Oregon Plastics

22 Feb 2018

plasticChina's recent decision to no longer accept post-consumer plastics has left local recyclers facing a serious challenge.

Oregon currently doesn't have a facility designed to separate plastics from the other materials collected.

Denton Plastics in Northeast Portland accepts plastics, but the material comes in separated from commercial and industrial sources, like grocery chains and nurseries.

Milton-Freewater Dumps Curbside Recycling

15 Feb 2018

recycle symbolAs vendors across Oregon curb their recycling services, Milton-Freewater residents will no longer be able to recycle materials at their curbs.

City Manager Linda Hall said the city needed to make the transition when Milton-Freewater’s recycling contractor — Horizon Project Inc. — told city officials that the organization could no longer afford to provide recycling services.
